
Sirius Science Club

First week

EMP Science Club commenced week 3 with its first project on oil distillation. Students were super-excited to learn new terminology and explore new concepts which further fuelled their curiosity.

Second week

Continued with the same excitement.

Students displayed their dedication by doing HW and bringing leaves from their backyard and gardens while some picked up from school ground.

We had fun crushing leaves and making slurry. Our budding scientists also named it “koala soup “ready to hit the distillation process due next week.

3rd week with Sirius Science Club

“Students were shown how using alcohol fleshes out the extract very easily and makes works much simpler then process was started and excited students watched the steam condensing back into liquid”

Summary of week 4

The students started working with the micro bit and tried a few sample programs such as displaying their names on the micro bit LED display.

Thank you to our lovely parents Arjumand and Faiza for their dedicated time and commitment.

Fatih Ozdemir
Community Engagement Officer